WIDER WORTE 2022-2023
Lesen Sie unsere Projektdokumentation
below you find the groups that participated in the project.
Yeter Güneş, Widerstandskämpferin gegen den Militärputsch in der Türkei 1980, sechs Jahre lang inhaftiert im berüchtigten Gefängnis ‚Mamak‘ in Ankara.
Ein Dokumentarfilm und seine Präsentation
Ekwentị, The Cable Connection will repeatedly question ways of speaking, language and vocabulary to think and create new ways of communicating.
I am back
Stronger than ever
Ready to break again
Into the new beat
Of my heart
Of my life
Short introduction of “JUST YES!”
Elisabeth Löffler Performance Artist and for a long time busy in the Independent Living Movement and the queer-feminist_ dis_ability Movement.
Love to sing love to move love to rest
In Lilly Axsters aus dokumentarischen wie fiktiven Erinnerungen inszeniertem Roman stürzen literarische Held:innen vom kolonialen Thron, trifft Aktivismus auf Demenz, und inmitten jeder Menge Poesie spricht: Yeter Güneş!
What does it mean to us to be (active) in different contexts?
Results will be presented in the exhibition on open days.
Was gibt’s neues bei wider worte? //what’s new!
- New: Projektdokumentation 12/06/2023
- Programm of ‘widerworte part 02’ on september 24th is online 05/09/2022
- Impressions of 1st OPEN DAY 2022-06-18 22/06/2022
- New Trailer for Yeter Güneş 6 Jahre / Altı Yıl 16/06/2022
- Programm of ‘widerworte’ on june 18th is online 13/05/2022
- “Can You Talk?” by Side Effect 04/05/2022
- Yeter Güneş 6 Jahre – Filming is done 21/04/2022
- ekwenti workshop 04/04/2022
- Open call 24/03/2022
- Can You talk? 24/03/2022
Our first event
Can You talk?
Presentation of work in progress
@Aula der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Schillerplatz 3, 1010
free entrance
03.04.2022. 19:30
“Can You Talk?” is a work in progress presentation and final result of the previous workshop process. Starting point for creative research was the idea of mobile phone or any phone as a symbol in the context of migration. Nine performers are bringing different personal perspectives by using their bodies and spoken word to tell their stories. Complexity of migrant identities from a self-empowering perspective is used as guidance in this creative process.